Friday, June 24, 2011

Steve's Big Butt

Well now this is a story about Steve’s big halibut ! For your information Steve has been coming to stay with us for 5 years. We enjoy him so much and he has helped out with lots of projects around the place. He has caught lots of fish in all his visits but never a halibut big enough to brag about! Now he did, it was 80 pounds and 55 inches long.

This halibut was brought up and harpooned in the head, died instantly, but he harpoon didn’t go through the body. Now the funny part is, both Pat and Steve took turns holding the pole while the other one hit the harpoon with a stick that we use to kill fish. Guess that you had to be there, but it was really funny. Finally after beating and beating on the harpoon it went through the halibut. Hurray, we got him now!

Just look at the size of this halibut. Great job Steve! You sure got a lunker to begin with, this one will be hard to beat.

We have to get a rope and pull this guy up out of the boat, it is too heavy to man-handle. You thought that wheel barrows were for dirt and gravel? Guess again, a halibut fits into them also.

We have to get a rope and pull this guy up out of the boat, it is too heavy to man-handle. You thought that wheel barrows were for dirt and gravel? Guess again, a halibut fits into them also.

Steve and his prize halibut.

Now the work begins, it takes about 40 minutes for this to be cut up, cleaned and put in the refrigerator for packing tomorrow.

 Now that is two nice filets of halibut !

To top it off, here are the 9 crabs that we got, and we had a great day fishing and crabbing!

Stay tuned ~~~ More to come!

I would be happy too if I caught this one!

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