Saturday, June 25, 2011

Skill Or Luck ~~~ Pat Shows up Up!

Well, shall we call this blog “Skill or Luck!”

Pat, Steve and I head off to go halibut fishing again. The time is just right for the slack tide. This is a great time for fishing as the water doesn’t move a lot. Pat heads off to the lucky spot to fish. We all put our poles in the water, start fishing and BOOM~~~~~ Pat has a fish, not just a fish but a big one that. Everybody gets excited and takes their places in the boat. After many tugs and pulls and tugs and pulls we get the halibut to the boat, Holy Moly this thing is huge! Shall we keep it? No one says anything! Next thing we know, Pat has the harpoon and is going after the halibut. The first shot is a good one, off the halibut goes with the float and it is ~~~~ GONE~~~~. Where did it go George, where did it go!! (That is the saying that Pat and Steve use.) Up it comes on the other side of the boat. This is going to take awhile to get in I can tell. The halibut doesn’t want to move at all. He is to the boat several times and off he goes again. This is about a 40 minute pull and tug affair. Everybody is getting tired but me; I have the camera and am taking pictures of it all. We get the halibut to the boat and get another rope on him, finally calm it down enough to tie his tail also. We get him tied to the boat and off we head towards home. This is going to be a very slow trip~~ halibut hanging off the side of the boat. After about 2 miles we decide to see if he is dead ~~ looks dead to me! We all tug and tug and get him into the boat. (You never never put a halibut over 40 pounds in a boat until they are dead dead, as they will either beat the bottom of the boat out, or beat you up !)

Wow~!~!~! Just look at the size of that halibut! Great job Pat! Now comes the guessing game of how much he weighs!! That made for conversation on the way back to the boat launch.

So now it is picture time! Pat sure is proud of his catch! Well who wouldn’t be!

Wow~!~!~! Just look at the size of that halibut! Great job Pat! Now comes the guessing game of how much he weighs!! That made for conversation on the way back to the boat launch.

Everybody get into the picture and smile!

Of course we have to use the rope and pulley to get this guy out of the boat. Do any of you know how much SLIME a halibut has on it? A lot, no a huge amount, now what is the most that you can have, well a gob?? I think that they are made of slime on the outside and stink~~~ OH, boy~~ the odor would make a skunk smile!

The butt is almost 72 inches long (6 feet) and weighs according to the chart 185 pounds. (Our scale only goes to 50 pounds.)

Now, do I have tell you that the work begins now! There is no easy way to clean a halibut this big. We hang him up and filet it this way. The steaks are huge on this! Lot of good eats for everybody!

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