Friday, June 24, 2011

Let The Fishin' Begin

Pat had a meeting today, so Steve and I hit the outlet for salmon. Steve wants to try his hand at fly fishing. After several casts here and there and everywhere he has no luck. We decide to move up the outlet to the snag hole.

The fish are jumping everywhere. We anchor the boat and start fishing. Both of us have fish on but they get off, then ~~ Boom, Steve gets one on! Steve lands his first Coho and it is 6 pounds plus, now the spell is broken and the fishing begins!

We get a call on the radio and Pat is ready for us to pick him up at the dock, then we head out to the North entrance for some halibut fishing.

Not to long and Pat gets a nice halibut on. Steve gets the pole while Pat gets the harpoon ready ~ need to be prepared next time. While Steve reels it up, and gets the halibut next to the boat, Pat prepares to harpoon the halibut, the first hit goes wide and pulls out, off the halibut goes ~~ Steve reels it back up, second hit pulls out again. We are thinking that either the halibut is really hooked good or he just wants to come aboard with us and go home for dinner. Steve reels that halibut again and third hit ~~ got him! WOW!!! That was really stressful. I know that we will enjoy every bite of that halibut.

Wow! What a nice catch Pat!

Halibut on the menu tonight or tomorrow.

Two ropes and Pat and Steve have the halibut under control. They then take it to the fish cleaning station. This halibut weighed 46 pounds and was 51 long.

Now we can have some great tasting butt steaks!

I spy with my BIG eye another halibut in the future!

Stay tuned for the next day of halibut fishing!

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