Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Finally it's My Turn!

The sun is out, the wind is calm so off we go to the halibut hole!

We are out at our special spot for less than one hour and I get a nice halibut, Yippee!

Now how much do you think it weighs? It is heavy from this end.

That was really fun! Just look how nice it is out here!

Pat caught several rock fish, but this Silver-gray rockfish was 4# 14 oz and 22 inches long. Lots of yummy eating on this guy.

Me  with my prize halibut catch.

Wow, it is really 50#?

Summer winding down and we still have lots of fun things planned to do! Better get to doing them!

Fish On !!

This picture says it all! The fish are here at Neck Outlet!

We all decide that we are going fishing. Jeff and Kristy take off in the skiff while Pat and I use the big boat.  Fish are jumping everywhere! Pat and I have caught two fish each and see that Jeff and Kris are not having luck. We put Kris in our boat and move Jeff up stream to a better spot, then all of us start catching fish. What fun! Pat and Jeff each got there 6 fish, I got 4 and Kris got two. Kris had several fish on and lost them. The best laugh of the day was when Pat caught a fish and his pole broke and the top half of it went to the end of the line. It was a funny to see it go through the water with the fish. At the end he got it in though.

Pat with his prize fish ~ it was the biggest fish to date. 9 # 12 oz.

Next morning Kristy and I go for a walk. I find a penny on the ground! My lucky day, then I give it to Kristy. After we get back we decide to go fishing for a bit.

Well my lucky penny paid off today. Here is a nice shot Kris took of the halibut I got.

Only a small chicken, but adds to the halibut box.

Jeff caught some nice rock fish while we were out fishing also. These are really good to eat.

Next day we head out again, now remember the lucky penny and who had it last!

Kristy comes up with another nice halibut. This one weighs 28 #.


Kristy also gets a nice coho while fishing for halibut on a while rubber worm.

Kristy with her favorite Alaska fishing guide!

Kristy had a great time here, she got to see bears, hump back whales, killer whales, catch 2 halibut and lot of cohos! See got to see everything that she wanted to see!

Jeff did a lot of coho fishing and got his limit most everyday. He enjoyed trips in the boat every day for halibut.

Stay tuned for more!


A Whale of a Day!

Well it’s another adventure in the boat today. Jeff, Kris, Pat and I in our boat, and Bruce and Pam in their boat.
Jeff starts out the day with a really nice skate. This gets the excitement going knowing that a big fish is waiting for us!

Boom ~ ! ~! Kristy gets a fish one and it is a nice halibut. What we call a chicken here, but its great eating.

Later on in the day we look for a picnic spot on the beach. After traveling around looking at some new areas we find one. We all unload all the items and tie the boats together. Jeff gets a nice fire going.

Well can anyone see where Pat is? Now this is one large skunk cabbage leaf!

Kristy and Jeff are enjoying their time here with us.

Hey everybody !!!! There is a shark on the beach up here!

Come and get it!! The hot dogs are done! Yummy!! Thank you Pam for the hot dogs!

The boats are being tied up by Bruce and Pat.

Just after this shot the wind came up and the picnic is canceled and we all load up because of the wind and the waves. Rats!! We were having such a great time. Off we go back towards Whale Pass. Going by a cove we hear whales blow!! Then a big splash ~~! Lets go in there and wait for them to blow again. It is protected by the wind so it is calm. Then all of a sudden the young whale starts putting on a show that is incredible. He jumps, splashes his tail for almost 30 minutes. What a show!


Pictures can’t show the real feeling of what it was like!

This was a really close shot.

Kristy and her 29# halibut.

This is a very nice shot of an eagle in the tree next to the house. What a nice way to end the day. This day was a special day for all of us.

I will try very hard to get a video of the whales to upload, but it may be sometime so stay in touch!


Saturday, July 23, 2011

Off To The Triplets !!!!!!

Through the grapevine we heard that the whales were at the Triplets so we gathered some people up and traveled to the Triplets to look for them. We could not have picked a more perfect day for this adventure. The sun is out and it is hot. Needless to say, we got a nice sunburn by the end of the day on the water!

  Kristy is busy trying to catch a fish.

Jeff caught some rock fish here, plus got a lot of sun!

A break from fishing and watching for whales we decide to go to shore and look around. This is a huge pile of netting that has washed up on shore from a commercial fisherman’s boat.

Bruce, Pam, Lucy and Rebecca in the North River.

Dan, Timmy, Emanuel and Toby following behind.

Here they come !!!! What we were waiting for! WOW, Killer Whales. We were on the look for Humpback whales though! What a great treat for us to see these.

There were maybe about 50 in this pod of whales traveling through to Snow Pass area. They seemed to be everywhere in Clarence Strait north of the Triplets. Actually probably 3 or 4 separate pods, all in the same general area.

Each one has a different look to their dorsal fins on top.

One got really close to our boat. Wow, how cool is this!

No real action from them, just really cool to see up close like this.

Now if you think this is cool, be sure to stay tuned for the best blog ever!

<*//////><}   My killer whale logo!


It has been in the 80s for the past few days here. Now, that is to hot for Southeast Alaska. Most people think that it rains here all the time, well they need to come and experience the warm Alaska sun.

This is Kristy’s first salmon. Nice fish Kristy!

Jeff got three nice fish right off.

After a nice day of fishing we head off to the bridge to watch for bears and this young guy comes out for us to see.

The sunset tops off the day ! Alaska has great sunsets!

Next morning Jeff and Kristy go down back to the creek and get a nice catch of salmon.

Stay tuned for lots of exciting photos!


Kristy & Jeff Arrive

Kristy and Jeff arrive on the Inter-Island ferry called the Stikine. We load up and take off towards Whale Pass. After we get to Coho Chalet we unload the groceries and the gas show them their way around the cabin.  The next morning we go down our trail to the outlet and try and catch a coho or two.

Welcome to Prince of Wales Alaska!

Kristy is trying to get across the creek without falling; these rocks are slippery with all the moss on them.

Later on we head out in the boat. Jeff trying his best to catch a nice fish.

                                                         Kristy is jigging for a nice halibut.

There are lots of whales hanging around the area where we were fishing. This photo is just the beginning of a great show ahead in a later blog.

Keep in touch for lots of once in a life time shots!

<’////><<<                  <’////><<<                   <<< >////’> “ Hey, come my way” !